A church is not a building, it is a family of faith. The picture you see to the left, with our parishioners as the "living stones," is a beautiful representation of that reality! We are blessed at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church to have an amazing family of faith--one that is growing in numbers and growing in faith! Our growth has caused some "growing pains" as more and more groups need space on campus for faith formation groups, Bible studies, meetings, prayer groups, etc. Our Long Range Planning Committee has put together a four-phase building project to help to meet your needs.
Please be assured that we are committed to not going into debt. We are relying on your generosity to help us to achieve each of these phases. Your sacrificial participation in the Capital Campaign will ensure the necessary space we need to continue to grow and flourish! Thank you for your willingness and generosity! If you have any questions about our Capital Campaign or growth, please don't hesitate to talk to Fr. John, Mary Wallin (Chairperson of the Capital Campaign), or one of our Pastoral Council members!
God Is Good All the Time. All the Time God is Good. That's His Nature. WOW!
Phase 1: Office Expansion- $606,500- Completed May 2016
Phase 2: New Immaculata Hall-$2,500.00
Phase 3: Repurposing of Old Immaculata Hall-$450,000
Phase 4: School Renovation-$221,700
No particular phase-Confessionals/Baptistery-$60,000
No particular phase-Columbarium (300 niches)-$189,572
No particular phase-Driveway-$207,000
no particular phase-A/E Fees and Contingency ( 12%)-$464,727
Total- $4,699,499
These totals are from January 2015 and are subject to change depending on when each phase is built