Saturday, February 22
Immaculata Hall
Our vision is to create a world where everyone can experience the love and grace of God. We aim to inspire and empower individuals to live a life of purpose and fulfillment, guided by their faith.
Our community is made up of individuals from all walks of life, united by our faith. We welcome everyone with open arms, regardless of their background, race, or beliefs.
The most important needs right now include rent. You can donate online at or make a check payable to Immaculate Conception Church. Regardless of how you give, please mark your gift as “Afghan Family”. Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity!
. Click on BULLETINS to find past and present bulletins. Learn more about our Capital Campaign, Sonfest 2024, the history of our parish and story of the stain glass windows information available
Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) helps young people hear the Gospel message and respond with enthusiasm.
Online Giving is a convenient option to continue to support your parish and its mission. Just use the button to tithe online. Thank you for your generosity!
It is our goal at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church to ensure that all members and visitors feel a deep sense of belonging! We believe that a parish is not so much a place to visit, but rather, a spiritual home where we grow in community, love, faith, prayer, and hope. Our desire to grow in stewardship means that all of us share our talents and blessings with one another. We firmly believe that community is built upon the "four pillars of stewardship," namely-- hospitality, prayer, formation, and service. Welcome to our parish and please do not hesitate to let us know how we can assist you and your family!
The mission of Immaculate Conception Church of North Little Rock is to prepare souls for Heaven and to care for our community through the proclamation of the Word of God, availing them of the Sacraments of our Catholic Faith and the varied ministries and organizations serving our adult and youth population.