The ministries that make up this parish commission include: RCIA, Youth Ministry, Youth Faith Formation, Adult Faith Formation, Our God Reigns Charismatic Prayer Group, Divine Mercy Committee and Enthronement Ministry. For more information contact our Administrative Assistant at
The ministries that make up this parish commission include: Prayer Shawl Ministry, IC Prayer Network, Respect Life, Vocations Committee, Martha's Kitchen and Nursery. For more information contact our Administrative Assistant at
The ministries that make up this parish commission include: Altar Society, Perpetual Adoration, Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Sacristans, Altar Servers and Music Ministry.. For more information contact our Administrative Assistant at
The Ministries that make up this parish commission include: Arts & Crafts, Golden Falcons, Catholic Daughters of America, Men's Club, Knights of Columbus and Boy Scouts. For more information contact our Administrative Assistant at
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a spiritual process by which people can learn about the Catholic faith and discern becoming Catholic. RCIA begins every September and ends every Easter. We meet every Sunday in Immaculata Hall from 9am-10:00am. Free babysitting is available. For more information, contact our Director of Faith Formation, Paul Vanasse at
A Sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible reality, instituted by Christ to give grace. If you would like to know more about the Sacraments and their celebration at our parish, click here.
Available at the 8:0am and 10:30am Mass
Eucharistic Adoration is a time of personal prayer with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Come and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from being with the One who loves you the most. Jesus is waiting for you in our parish Adoration Chapel. Tell Him of your joys, your problems, your hopes and dreams. Listen. Jesus will speak to your heart. Adorers can drop in for a visit, commit to spend an hour a week, or become a substitute. For information call Ramona Bourdo, (501) 831-5040 or
Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) helps young people hear the Gospel message and respond with enthusiasm. Our goal is to reach out in service to the parish community and to evangelize. Together we will seek a deeper knowledge of the Gospel message, help shape morals and values, and encourage one another to become actively involved in the mission life of the Church. This is a safe and caring environment where we are inspired to live the faith and grow closer to God. Adult parishioners are invited to provide the youth with the type of spiritual role models necessary to help them grow in the Catholic faith. Everyone is welcome!
Jr. & Sr. CYM
For more information contact our Youth Director, Christie Powell at
Youth Faith Formation Classes
For more information contact our Director of Faith Formation, Phyllis Eubanks at
Starting Thursday, September 5, 2024
Immaculata Hall.
Starting Tuesday, September 17 at 6:00pm in Immaculata Hall.
For more information contact our church office at 501-835-4323